Pinterest – The New Obsession

If you haven’t heard about Pinterest you must not be interested in social media. Seriously. It’s become the complete rage and for good reason. I first became a member when it was just up and running and now it’s taken off like a wildfire across the internet.
I have to say that I love it. Why do I love it? It completely appeals to both the organized and visual sides of myself. I can have as many “boards” as I want, broken down into whatever category I want. Part of what I love so much is seeing how other people break down their boards. There are people who separate by color, by design, passion, geography, by seriously…just about ANYTHING!
The site allows you to “pin” something you’ve seen on the internet. (Getting permission first would be the polite thing to do.) By “pinning” something you’re creating a link to the original source or if you’re “re-pinning”, you’re creating a link to the source you found your pin. If you’re at all confused, you can read up on Pinterest Etiquette HERE.
I have a board for art, books, boys, bags, kitchen things, outdoor spaces, things I want and more. If you haven’t checked Pinterest out yet, I suggest you take a peek. Especially if you’re someone who likes visual organization. It makes my heart throb.
If you’re a blog reader you can see their blog HERE. And if you just want to see what the boards are like, click on mine below and you’ll get a taste of what it’s all about.
There is one other thing I love about this site. It was developed by a guy, his girlfriend and his family over dinner. Another success story hashed out over a meal. Love.
Happy Pinning!!