Mason Has Turned 4!

I can hardly believe that my first born is 4 years old! They say the time passes quickly and boy is it true. I find myself just looking at him sometimes in complete awe of who he is. I had this thought the other day that even though he seems so big and that he’s growing up so fast, he’s still a little sweet boy. He has the cutest little voice and my heart melts when he calls me mama. His kisses are the most precious thing and I hope the day when I try to kiss him and he turns his head and says “ewww mom, gross!” doesn’t come for a long time.
We had a very sweet party for him and I thank my lucky stars that my husband Matt and one of his business partners Garrett are such brilliant photographers! I can be busy cutting cake, playing games and laughing and not worry that I don’t have my camera in hand. Here are some of the photo’s from the day. I couldn’t help but post and share.

Happy Birthday Mason!!!