He Loves Me

It was an ordinary day. An ordinary Thursday. We woke up and ate breakfast. Got dressed and did morning chores. It was a soccer day for Mason so we headed out to the field in Novato where he learned about defense. Everything seemed just as it always does. Miles and I rooted Mason on from the sidelines and then when it was over, headed home to figure out the rest of the day.
The beach, a walk, stay home..what to do. It was far too beautiful to be indoors so we had a pow-wow to figure it out. Miles voted for the beach and Mason voted to stay home, even though that wasn’t an option. So, I did the only thing I could think of and suggested the pool. Two thumbs up and a packed picnic later and we were out the door.
We arrived and sat down on some lawn chairs. Being Thursday in the middle of the day it was pretty empty. We ate and talked and then submerged into the 1 1/2′ deep kiddy pool. After spending a good chunk of time in the water, enough for their lips to start turning blue from the wind chill that came every now and again, I decided it was time to take a break and sit in the warm sun for a bit.
We bundled in our towels and sat on our lounges and relaxed. And then, it happened. At first I didn’t realize what he said. Miles looked at me and said something with his mouth full of goldfish. I asked him to please wait until he was finished chewing and when he did, he said it. All by himself. Not in response to me for the first time, ever.
He said, “I love you”.
Three simple words that melted me into a puddle of water that could have run right into that little 1 1/2′ deep kiddy pool. Sigh. My heart was happy.
I wish I had a photo from our day that showed him in his swimsuit with his hair blown from the wind so blonde that I wonder if anyone even thinks he belongs to me. But, I have this one. A little snapshot of the two of us. Happy and in love.