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Planning Your Wedding

It seems like just yesterday that I was planning my wedding. Invitations, the location, the all consuming guest list and of course, the dress! So many details to think about and finally decide upon, only to change because I found something better during my late night hours of flipping through magazines and websites.

Organizing all of that information was a task in itself and Yes, I had the BINDER. The big fat binder of tear sheets and print outs and samples. If you had asked me if I was the type of person to have a binder I would have vehemently and adamantly told you N.O.! No way, not me! And yet, there I was with a nice thick binder that I made pretty with ribbons down the spine. Of course.

But, now, the internet is so much bigger than it used to be and people are so much more “green”. The internet houses so much more. More websites, more photographs, more information! And the great thing about it is that it isn’t wasting a single piece of paper. How nice is that?! You can do everything online from ordering your shoes to your menu to selecting your location and of course choosing your photographer. Not a single scrap of wasted paper. And, in this environmentally conscious world we’re living in, not wasting paper can help you sleep just a little bit better at night and when you’re wedding planning, every extra wink counts. 😉

If I were getting married now, today, as opposed to the almost 7 years ago I will have been married this coming August, I’m sure I would be doing things differently. Greener to be exact. But how, how do you find all of those vendors that want to help you plan your wedding in the most earth conscious way? By finding websites like this one:


Matt stumbled upon a video of an interview with the founder, Kate Harrison, and thought I should investigate. This could be a way to market the new eco-friendly album I’m producing. An email led to a phone call and now I’m listed on their site!

Check it out. I’m listed in both the “Books” and “Invitations and Stationary” sections of the site along with a ton of other amazing vendors ready with tips and products to help you create the wedding of your dreams while gently impacting the planet.

And just as a little “tid bit” of information, this is from their FAQ’s section of their site that I found interesting:

Are conventional weddings really that bad for the environment?

There are 2.5 million weddings a year in the United States, with an average of more than 150 guests each. When you add up all of the stuff that goes into weddings (single-use bleached white dresses, chemically treated imported flowers, toxic makeup and skin care products, mined gem-based jewelry, individual packets of rice, etc.) you see that the environmental impact from these events is enormous.

For example, if every wedding this year used a disposable aisle runner and they were laid end to end, they would circle the globe twice! Similarly, the amount of paper used to make invitations could cover the island of Manhattan. The bottom line is that every green choice makes a difference – no matter how small.

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