Friday Inspiration – Tokyo Milk
Anyone who knows me knows that I’m terribly sensitive to smell. I used to suffer from allergies where I was locked inside with the windows closed for three days, barely able to get out of bed. Seriously, they were that bad. Thankfully I think my body went through enough metabolic changes between both of my pregnancies that I don’t suffer the way I used to. At all! Even though the sneezing has subsided to what I think could be considered normal, I still have a sensitivity to smell.
I’m one of those people that can’t walk through a department store perfume section. If I do happen to walk through due to some unforeseen circumstance, you can’t miss me. I’m the one who looks like she’s coughing up a hairball in public. A disgusted look uncontrollably takes over my face and a “ehhhth” comes out of my mouth as I walk along coughing with my tongue sticking out of my mouth. It’s got to be embarrassing for anyone with me but I swear it’s totally uncontrollable. I swear!
That being said, I never buy perfume. I think the last time I did was back in 1994 or some crazy year like that. I honestly think I’ve purchased one single bottle of perfume in my entire life. Well, the other day, I was at the outdoor mall in Corte Madera, the Container Store side, and happened in to a store that was filled with hand made china, italian glassware and more delicate inventory than I’ve seen in 4 years when I could still carry Mason around in a sling. I took my time strolling through the store and found the perfect book for a friends baby shower. I continued to look around while I was waiting for her to gift wrap the book and came upon a display of little jarred solid perfume. I decided to see what each one smelled like. “No thank you. Ewwwww. Hmmm. Not so bad. Cough!. Hmmmm. I kind of like that one. Yuck. Way too floral.” That was my rundown of the scents on display. The one that I kind of liked, I smelled again and even put some on my wrists. It had a sweet, refreshing smell that made me think of a big juicy plum that’s so sweet you can hardly believe it or a candied apple just begging you to take a bite.
As I walked out of the store and down the courtyard I realized that I just kept smelling my wrists. That I liked the smell. There was something about it that made me feel good and smile on the inside. I think I got three stores down and turned right around and went back to buy that perfume. ME! buying perfume. The woman asked me which one I chose. I looked and it’s called “Sugar Plum”. Perfect. The company name is Tokyo Milk and although I wish their website had more than a splash page, it’s worth the visit for the image.
When I looked at the packaging I fell more in love. It’s beautiful in a chic french sort of way and included in the box were five mini note cards. They’re so tiny I just love them. I couldn’t help but laugh because the reason I was at the mall was to have my eyes checked and purchase my first real pair of glasses. I’m trying to ignore the fact that my eyes may be starting a decline in sharpness and to kick the point home, one of the note cards just happened to be an eye chart! Can you believe that?? I think it was meant to be. (I didn’t photograph the little card of the eye chart because I think I’m still in denial about the fact that I may need glasses).
Here are some photographs of the packaging. I just had to share. Here’s to smelling sweet with visions of sugar plum fairies dancing in your head.