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Friday Inspiration – This Lunch Rox

Todays inspiration comes via Michelle Riddle. She’s another mom, photographer that I met a couple of years back. Has it really been that long? Wow.

Anyway, today, Michelle posted on her FB wall about another mom and photographer. Jamie Schultz, who has been taking photographs for some time. But, aside from that, she’s been on the top of the list for making creative lunches for her kids. She even has a separate blog to capture all of her lunch creations. It’s “This Lunch Rox” and it’s a must see if you’re someone who endlessly prepares lunches for your child or children.  The name is actually This Lunch Box but with the B crossed out and replaced with an R. Even the name is clever! I think I would want to be one of her kids. She seems like she must be pretty fun.

So, if you want to learn a little from a lunch box rockstar, check out her site and get some ideas to help make your kids lunch more than just something to eat but something to experience.

Here are two of my favorites…

The post from Michelle comes via The Maternal Lens who interviewed Jamie yesterday. This is another fun blog that I’ve just discovered. I just love all of the moms who are making life so much more interesting by being more than just a mom. It’s more than inspiring!

Happy Friday!

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