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Friday Inspiration – I AM

It was a friends birthday recently, yes Lisa, that’s you! 😉 She is probably the most caring person I’ve ever met. Really. She offers to help when someone is sick, she brings her friends flowers on Mother’s Day, she gifts little things that make her think of you. She does all of this without thinking of herself. She embodies selflessness.

One thing I’ve learned about her over the years, is that she loves the experience of life. Going places, talking to people, experiencing the world around her. Just buying her a gift for her birthday this year didn’t seem quite right. I wanted to do something with her, I wanted us to have an experience together.

When I saw the poster outside of the Rafael Theater for “I AM”, I knew that was where I wanted to take her. To a movie all about life and life experiences. I didn’t know that this particular theatre was where she had held her first job. Talk about coincidence and meant to be.
The movie was amazing. It touched us both. I’m not sure if you could see the movie and not be touched though, in some way. I’m sure, as I know that everything exists in this world, there are people who may see this movie and not agree with what is said. They may discount what they see and hear and leave feeling angry or even more stuck in their habitual ways. But, for me, for Lisa, we were left with a feeling of hope. Hope that the world is changing, that we’re moving back toward a way of community and understanding for one another.
I don’t want to give too much away incase some of you have the chance to see this extraordinary movie. I’ll post the trailer here so that you can at least get a sense for what it is about. It’s only playing in small theaters and for a short time, so if you have the chance, don’t miss it!
Our world is in need of change.
Every small act of kindness and love does matter.
Smile at someone that you don’t know.
Pick something up that someone dropped.
Open the door for the person behind you.
Give your time, your money, something,, to someone in need.
Make a difference.
On a side note, I wrote down a list of books that were either mentioned in the movie or written by the people being interviewed. Here it is, incase any of you are curious and don’t want to have to take notes in a dark theater on the back of a receipt from your wallet.
Field Notes On The Compassionate Life by Marc Ian Barasch (His site shows another title as well :The Compassionate Life)
The Field by Lunne McTaggart
Planetwalker by John Francis

next one

Jason and Andrea

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