Alicia – Yoga.Work.Life

I’ve been on a nutritional path over the last couple of years. A path that has led me to really look at my body as a temple. A path that has had its challenges but as my family is shifting our relationship to food, I find myself being drawn to holistic practices for healing.
One of the coolest side benefits of walking in this new direction is meeting other women who are walking beside me. You know the kind of women who you look at and can’t help yourself from thinking how healthy they look? How their skin glows, their body is fluid and their spirit seems bright? Well, Alicia is one of these women. She is a chiropractor by trade who has a holistic approach to her practice, Whole Body Wellness. She practices a blend of chiropractic adjusting, nutrition consultation and the “Lifeline Technique” which uses muscle reflex testing to access your subconscious mind in order to find out how to heal your body. As if all of that isn’t enough, she is also a yoga instructor, and let me tell you, she can do some crazy moves.
She may look familiar because I photographed her family towards the end of last year. You can see that post HERE. This time I had the chance to photograph her alone, doing yoga. She wanted some shots for her profile on Embrace Yoga of Marin’s website where she’s an instructor and for her own Facebook page for her business.
It was so much fun to do this shoot. Watching her move her body in ways that take such skill and balance was inspiring. I’ve taken a few yoga classes here and there and do love the practice but knowing my own limitations of balance I was completely impressed by her ability.
I’ve also had the good fortune to receive a chiropractic / life line session from Alicia and loved her gentle yet firm approach. I felt completely taken care of and nurtured throughout my session. I went a bit deeper into the emotional side of things, which, if you know me shouldn’t be all that surprising, and felt great afterward. I’m looking forward to my next session and highly recommend anyone in the area to give Alicia a call to set up an appointment. Bringing our bodies into alignment and balance is something that we should all be making steps toward each day. Alicia is someone who can help do this. Just take a look at some of these photographs!