Eight! My little boy is 8!

Oh my gosh. Eight. 8!
It feels so big and little.
Mason, you’ve just turned 8. My little boy. From a tiny egg inside mommies belly, you have grown into a beautiful and handsome boy. Mommy and daddy are so proud of who you are and we love you very much. You are learning to be respectful and responsible. You are learning to treat others the way you want to be treated. Your passion for helping animals and the earth is inspiring, not just to us your family, but to all of the people around you. Mason, you are strong and persistent. You are smart and charming. You challenge me in ways that I never imagined. Your sensitivity to the world around you has led our family on a path of looking closely at what we eat, what we say, how we react and how we love. In my teaching you to be a better person, I am having to become a better person. I am learning to be more sensitive, more loving, more fun.
I am constantly amazed by you. Like when you decided to make origami animals for each of your classmates for Valentine’s Day. You stayed on target and made three a day for a week in order to finish! I don’t know many 2nd graders that would do that. You are a complete goofball and love being silly and crazy. (Just look at some of the photo’s below and you’ll see exactly what I mean.) You feel. Deeply.
Mason, you experience the world by touching it, interacting with it, talking about it and you have a deep thirst for understanding things. We are so excited to watch you grow. God truly blessed us with you. YOU are an incredible gift!!
Here are some of my favorite moments over this last year. Look at who you are becoming! I can hardly believe my eyes…