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A Letter To Miles

I can remember holding my belly, wrapping my arms around you sending you love and telling you how much I wanted you. Waiting to feel you move inside of me. Wondering who you were, who you were going to be. What would you look like, what would you be like. Anything like your brother or someone completely unique and different from anything I could imagine. That you are my sweet sweet boy. Different and more wonderful than I could ever have imagined.

You have such a presence about you. A goofiness that even your father doesn’t match, and he’s pretty goofy. 😉 You are all smiles and when you flash those big brown eyes people always comment about how deep and dark and wonderful they are.

Your laugh makes my entire being smile and when I see you and your brother being loving with each other, playing and getting along, I’m filled with such happiness.

You’ve been waiting for your birthday for so long and whenever I ask you about it there is one word that is uttered first and then repeated over and over until we repeat it back to you, maybe just to assure you that YES it’s actually happening. You are having a CAKE!!! Taking you to pick out that cake was so much fun. We looked through the whole book at Baskin Robbins and we thought we had a winner when you picked the Diego cake. But, then, you saw the Thomas the Train cake and that was that. Choo Choo cake was all we heard for the next few days. Your eyes sparkled and you lit up whenever you mentioned it.

Now the cake has been eaten and the party is over. All that remains are the Thomas and number “2” balloons. A sweet reminder of a wonderful day. The day you turned 2.

I love you my dear one. Thank you for your laughter, for your “thank you mommy”s, for your kisses and hugs. You are a precious gift and I thank God for you each day.

Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!

(photo’s by both mommy and daddy)

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