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Women At Work | 2014

At the Network 54 Visitor’s Day I had the pleasure of meeting lots of new faces. There were people from such a huge variety of businesses that it was not only interesting but fun! A plumber, a window washer, a personal stylist and a landscape designer. There was someone who represents skin care, a jewelry designer, and an event planner. There was an energy kinesiologist and even a woman who reads the Akashic Records. Fascinating!

I was approached at the end of the meeting by a woman, Karen Killian, who is the owner of Forty and Savvy. Love that name! She is an independent designers rep for a jewelry line, a make-up line and candles. She also reps a group out of Uganda, OneMama. She introduced herself and asked if I would be interested in photographing an upcoming event she was organizing. The title “Women At Work” caught my attention and I thought, why not! I’m always happy to meet other women doing the same thing that I am, looking for ways to expand their network and promote their business all the while making new connections, friendships and referral sources.

I wasn’t disappointed! It was held at the Mill Valley Community Center, a beautiful space and was a ton of fun. There were a number of businesses who had tables set up. All women owned and operated. The diversity ranged from property management to a spa to auto body.

I both walked around photographing the different tables and business owners as well as people in front of the “Women At Work” banner at the entry way of the event. I had a great time and was surprised at how many women in the community I already knew.

I think I overheard Karen say that she’s hosting this event again at the start of 2015. I’ll be sure not to miss it!

This first group of images are of a woman, Lisa Pepper-Satkin and her new toy that she’s launching into the world. She’s a therapeutic life coach and has recently ventured in the area of designing a product called “myHeartykid”. The idea is that myHeartykid is the best companion a kid could ever want. In Lisa’s words, “It is an inspirational toy which teaches kids how to turn thoughts into dreams and dreams into a life they love.” Your child sets an intention or a goal, writes it down and puts it in the pocket of myHeartykid which starts a ‘simple yet powerful process to help ignite the magic of possibilities’ in their life. Pretty cool and I hope they fly off the shelves!


Women_At_Work_2014_0002Here are more shots of the event. If you’re a local to the area, I would definitely recommend coming to the next “Women At Work” event. It was great to spend time investing in myself and other local business owners. Maybe next time I’ll see you there!

Forty And Savvy

Women_At_Work_2014_0135Women_At_Work_2014_0093Women_At_Work_2014_0122Vanguard Properties




Security 1 Lending




Simply Inspired Spa



Rebecca Fisk Intuitive Consultant



The Power Of Pleasure




Hanson of Sonoma Grape Based Organic Vodka



McGuire Real Estate


Living Well – Assisted Living At Home



Leff Landscape Associates, INC




Yummy Scrub

Women_At_Work_2014_0119Women_At_Work_2014_0118Audrey Kral – Hair and Makeup



Women_At_Work_2014_0137What a fun time. I’ll definitely be at the next one. Maybe I’ll see you there!!




next one

Network 54! Visitor’s Day 2014

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