The Martinez Family

When I was young, I wasn’t someone who wanted to have children. I can remember my mom pointing out babies to me. Telling me to look at them because they were so cute. I had no interest. I do remember how the children looked at me though. Wide eyed and they always seemed to smile at me. That would make my mom push me even closer to them which made me dig my heels into the ground that much deeper.
As I grew older, children still weren’t on my radar. I would babysit a little here and there but not much. When I was in college, my sister starting having kids. She, it turned out, didn’t feel the same way I did. She just seemed to keep getting pregnant. I couldn’t understand it. She had one and then another and then another and just when we all thought she was crazy enough, she had another. Four. And somehow, I’m still not sure how, I managed to come through all of the dirty diapers and spit up unscathed. I never changed one. Now I have to be honest, my sister never lived near me so it wasn’t like I was hanging out with them and letting them sit in soiled diapers for hours at a time. I would visit here and there and during those visits I just never changed a diaper. (I sincerely apologize to my nieces and nephews although I’m sure my nephews are happier knowing that I never really saw them “naked”. But I should probably even more sincerely apologize to my sister who had her hands FULL at the time and to whom I was of little help.)
All of the above mentioned changed when I met Matt. I don’t even know if I know what happened, but after meeting him, this urge came over me. That urge they talk about which was that I wanted to have his baby. Weird. I didn’t even recognize myself. I mean, all those years thinking I could be one of those women that just never had children and bam! Everything changed.
After having our first baby boy we both knew that we wanted a second child. Siblings were too important in our lives and we didn’t want to deny Mason of the experience of having a sister or a brother. Then, after Miles came along there were some discussions here and there about having another one, but overall there was a huge resounding “NO” that would come out of my mouth at the thought of it. Three just seemed like way too much. And I knew that I would wind up having a third boy and that would be the end of me. I just couldn’t see myself doing it. It was kind of my biggest fear and when I realized that, I knew we were done. Two boys. Plenty.
So why have I gone down this long and winding road to tell you about my past and my fear of having three boys? Because last month I had the pleasure of photographing the Martinez family and yes, you guessed it, they have three boys. And oh my gosh they’re the cutest boys ever and not scary at all. In fact, charming would be a word I would use to describe them. They listened to their parents, they were respectful and funny and cute as anything. They sat if I asked them to sit, they smiled if I asked them to smile, they were happy. A true testament to the fact that they’re being raised right and deeply loved.
I took the family to our local farm, Tara Firma Farm. We’re members there and partake in farm fresh veggies delivered to our local farmer’s market every other week. Everything we’ve had is so fresh and absolutely delicious. In case you’re local and interested, this farm is amazing. Here’s one of the first things you’ll see on their website if you visit, “Tara Firma Farms is here for four reasons, to provide you with clean healthy food; to heal the land; to grow young farmers; and to have a lot of fun. We raise pastured beef, pork, chicken and eggs in a way that restores the native landscape of California and sequesters carbon from our atmosphere. “ Who wouldn’t want to support a business like that?! I love that they grow organic food and meat and that they want to heal the land. We are in such need of that everywhere. I suggest taking a drive out to the farm sometime. They give tours and have fun events and are just a great group of people who are happy to let you tour the farm and be a part of the “Farm to Table” movement that is growing across the country.
This particular setting was perfect for the Martinez family. Ron is a cowboy at heart and even though Theresa is a city girl with fashion sense, she put on her boots and was right at home with her boys next to the chickens. It was one of my favorite shoots to date and I’m excited to share the photo’s.
Here is the Martinez family…