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The Jennings-Hoffmans

Sometimes people come into your life and you have no idea of the impact they will have. Such is the case with Eric and Ericka.

I met them both when I was in a, shall we say, a transitional period of my life. I was ending one chapter and beginning another. My father had died a few years before, I had just ended a marriage that formed out of the loss of my father and was rediscovering who I was, as an individual in the world.

I had pink and purple hair. I was Starfire. The three of us all came together in what to me felt like a vortex. It was an intense time of freedom for all of us. I met Matt right at the crux of it all and when Eric, Ericka and I were driving one Sunday afternoon, the day after my first date with Matt, we were in a car accident that would change our lives…for the better.

I guess that’s a deeper post that I can get into some other time because I don’t want to lose focus on what I have to offer today. Photographs of Eric, Ericka and their two beautiful girls. They are truly some of my closest friends and I was honored when they hired me to photograph them. Eric’s parents were in town so it was a great opportunity to capture a moment it time. Time for all of them to be together. Time to document who they are today.

I have to say there’s pressure when photographing strangers or people that you casually know but there is definitely pressure when photographing friends. I think for me it stems from not wanting to let anyone down. When I can step out of the way, and let myself relax and be guided to follow what I consider “The Holy Spirit” I’m o.k. Then, I can trust and know that everything is going to be alright.

The girls are fun, beautiful and spunky like their parents. Eric and Ericka are in love and wonderful and real. His parents were true sports throughout our adventure together and I’m excited to share my favorites.

And just to show how black and white can change the whole look of a photograph….

next one

The Jennings-Hoffman’s : Sneak Peek

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