The Feely’s 2011

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was sweet and shared with old friends. I was ever so thankful that the viral vertigo I had for a full week decided to go almost completely away by the end of the day on Thursday. Feeling woozy and dizzy is not my cup of tea!
Before the holiday I posted an image from my photo shoot with my friends and neighbors, the Feely’s. We took a drive out to the Marin Headlands up to Hawk Hill. I have to say that having a husband as a location scout has major perks. He knows all the places to go!
Hawk Hill, for those of you who have never been, is at the top of the road that is at the last exit before merging onto the Golden Gate Bridge. You take the road up to the left and up and up some more and park at the mouth of a great tunnel that you can walk through, only to find yourself in a small, almost enchanted forest. It’s just beautiful. And, as I’ve been blessed for the last few shoots, the light was perfect.
We were there at the late afternoon / end of the day, and because we’re neighbors it felt a bit more like hanging out rather than work. Everyone for the most part was cooperative and from what I could tell, had a great time. Photographing friends allows for a whole other element to come into play. There’s the interaction each family member has with each other and then there’s my interaction that I get to have with each of them. F.U.N.
This trip Matt came with me. I asked him to take some video footage of the shoot for a project I’m working on that will hopefully come together by early next year. (I’m going to try to be realistic about that goal considering we’re butting up against Christmas and New Years. Can you believe it’s seriously almost 2012?)
Before I post my favorite images, I have to shout a big loud Happy Birthday to Monica. It’s her birthday today and in celebration I wanted to be sure to post images of her beautiful family. Living across the street from each other over the past two and a half years has been such a treat. We’ve been able to rely on each other for so many things. Picking up the kids from school when one of us is running late, walking to school together in the mornings, grabbing things at the grocery store when needed, being there as support to help however and whenever needed. It’s taken a huge weight off of my shoulders to feel like I don’t have to do everything on my own. That if I need someone to help me with my kids, Monica and Sean are there. For those of you who have neighbors like the Feely’s, you understand what a blessing this is. For those of you who don’t, I definitely pray that at some point in your life, you’ll have neighbors and friends like these.
Monica, you have no idea how much your friendship has meant and how blessed I feel that your family moved in across the street. Your Irish accents, your laughter, your easy way and ‘it’s not a bother’ attitude are the best.
I’m so happy to have been able to capture your family in these photographs. Your zest for life is contagious.