The Dixie Auction Winner

I was so happy to auction off a photo session this past year through Mason’s school. Having something to contribute meant a lot to me. It was funny though because I had just recently launched September-Days and honestly I wasn’t sure if anyone was even going to bid on my item. Well, someone did and I was thrilled to find out that I even knew the family. I released my anxiety and began looking forward to the photo shoot.
There was one other thing that I was excited about. After some emails back and forth I could tell that the mom seemed a bit camera-shy. Not shy enough to duck away from having her photo taken but enough that she expressed, what most of the women that I photograph express, an aversion to having her picture taken. Getting older is funny isn’t it? We start to see our flaws and we are so quick to point out the things about ourselves that we don’t like. It’s easy to do, the camera doesn’t lie, but, what I love about taking photographs is that I get to capture what I see, the beauty in people. I have the chance to capture them, who they really are, the spirit behind the gray or the wrinkles or whatever it is that you don’t like about yourself. I get to see past all of that and hopefully so does the person on the other side of the lens when they see the final images.
A few weeks ago the photo shoot was finally here! We spent our time together on a beautiful trail in Novato, Ca. It was an almost perfect evening. The weather was beautiful and aside from a little wind kicking up some pollen that made everyone sneeze, it was perfect.
When I sent the gallery link of these images I was paid the BIGGEST compliment by the mom. I was told that for the first time in a long time, she could use the word beautiful to describe herself. Wos. I caught my breath when I read that in her email, then I smiled the biggest smile.
Jennifer, you ARE beautiful. Just look at these images! The love you have for your children and the love they have for you in return is plain to see. I loved how the three of you were out in nature exploring and thank you for allowing me to be a part of that. Seriously, we had such a great time together we went over our time slot, and I didn’t care one bit!
Jennifer, it was truly a pleasure to spend the evening with you guys. Now, I want to see the images that YOU shot!
I’ll start off with my absolute favorite…