Taking A Leap

I struggled for a bit after speaking with Leila trying to figure out if this was really the right move or not. I thought long and hard the other night as I was getting ready to go to bed. Could I do what they were saying they could do for me. Promote myself to blogs and magazines. Put a package together to either email or mail to introduce myself and my product. The answer I came to was yes, I definitely could do that. BUT, and there’s this huge B.U.T. that came up in my mind as I drifted off to sleep. Would the impact of my presentation be different coming directly from me or from a publicist. The answer was pretty clear. Yes, it would be different.
Something that I’ve come to understand over this past year is that there are things that I do that I’m good at and there are things that I do that I am great at. This thought is similar to conversations I have with my clients. They tell me how time consuming designing an album is for them. How much they don’t really like it. How it feels more like they’ve sat down in a chair for a root-canal than to design a book for their client. For me, I feel like I’m on a trip to Disneyland. O.k. maybe that’s taking it a bit too far, but, it is fun for me. I love designing books and I love working with images. Just love it. So, why not open myself to the possibility of someone else doing what it is that they love to do, for me!
I think that what I love the most about this decision is how I feel. I’m a bit giddy. This not only means that my husband has enough faith in me to invest in my business and our future but someone else does. A complete stranger!
Something feels kind of tingly in the air and I feel hopeful for the future of my business. Hope seems to be a trend these days and I’m jumping on the band wagon!