
Steven has known me for many moons. He went to college with my sister back in the 80’s. He knew my parents and we have shared many meals. He is an incredible artist. I can remember him drawing a picture when I was probably 14 or so. It was AMAZING. I remember wishing that I could draw like that, hoping that someday I would. I asked if I could have it and would look at it literally in awe. He has a gift. Now he not only draws but paints, builds sets, etc. He is a true artist.
He has recently moved back to the bay area and I’ve been happy to see him more often. He’s coming to my church on Sundays and I love seeing him there. It’s so wonderful to share a ‘life’ with someone. To have memories that span a great distance and include my past, my parents, my sister.
Steven, it was so much fun to take your portrait. To see you look at me through the lens. To see you…