Shelah and Richard

You know when you meet someone and you just like them right off the bat? That’s how I feel about Shelah. I met her through something new that I’m doing thanks to our friend Garrett. (Side note – If I had a list of all of the things that I’m grateful to Garrett for it would be one of those lists that just keeps unrolling down to the floor and out the door. Garrett, I don’t have enough “thank you’s” in me to ever express how I feel!) So, thanks to Garrett, I’ve joined a business network group. A BNI chapter here in Marin, Network 54. If you don’t know about BNI it’s a great way to meet other business owners and/or employees in your area. The premise of BNI is that each chapter only has one person from a specific field represented and the main motto is “givers gain”. Meaning that through giving referrals to other businesses and sharing who you are and what you do each week, more referrals will come your way. What you put out in the world is what you get back. I’m totally on board with this business model so it seems for me to be a great fit.
I’ve already photographed a few members of the group and am looking forward to more, as well as exploring the different businesses that are part of the group for myself. For example there is an estate planner who’s a member and Matt and I desperately need a formal legal document put in place in case something happens to one or both of us. That’s something I’ve thought about for a long time but have never had the motivation to follow through. Now that I’m in a group where I see Elizabeth every week, I’ve started the process of checking this off my list!
But, back to Shelah and our photo shoot. I just loved this shoot. I photographed Shelah and her husband Richard. They have a CPA company called MHR CPA which stands for Many Happy Returns. Isn’t that nice? Don’t you want your CPA to provide you with many happy returns?! Yes! I do!!
The energy between Shelah and Richard was sweet, fun and palpable. They have a beautiful home on Mount Tam and their back garden was a perfect setting for our photo shoot. Shelah, I so appreciate you reaching out to hire me. You were the first of the members to call on my services. Thank you so much for trusting me to photograph you both. I know being in front of the camera can be challenging but you were a complete delight!!!