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Nerium & The Difference It Has Made

I’ve been long overdue for a new portrait! I talk all the time about the importance of an updated portrait for social media and I was guilty of using a photograph from a few years ago. I needed to practice what I preach. I used that older photograph because I loved it and more importantly I liked how I looked in it. Happy and youthful.

So many of us are in that same position. Using images from years ago because we still feel like that person on the inside but it’s not necessarily reflected in our outward appearance. I can say that for me, the bags and wrinkles under my eyes were the biggest issue. I looked tired ALL the time. There were better days than others and definitely worse days which were most. I had Matt take a few portraits here and there and I never wound up using any of them because of how tired I looked.

Well, now that I’ve been using Nerium, especially their eye serum, things are changing. I recently celebrated my birthday and I thought what better way to celebrate but with a new portrait. I was LONG overdue as I mentioned before. We went to the backyard and Matt snapped away. To be perfectly honest, I held my breath while downloading the images and loading them into Lightroom to process. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was hopeful and definitely pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

Here are two portraits that Matt has taken of me. (The one on the left was with the boys so you’ll see the tops of their heads sneaking in 😉 No “touch up” to either one. They were taken in almost the same spot in our yard and at almost the same time of day. One from 2 years ago and one from 2 weeks ago. You be the judge but my verdict is I LOVE Nerium’s Eye Serum and I wouldn’t live without it!!

If you’re interested in trying out the products you can read about and purchase HERE:

And I’m looking to grow my team so if you’re interested in taking this ride along with me…I’m happy to have you! Click the link above and either send me an email or call.





next one

Brothers on a Saturday Afternoon

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