Happy Halloween

I hope everyone had a nice Halloween. It was a bit mellow around here. Mason was under the weather and wasn’t able to go to school that day which was a total bummer. I think I was more disappointed than he was. He had been talking about being a shark for Halloween for weeks and here was the day to wear his costume to school and he had to stay home!
When Mason told us he wanted to be a shark I thought I was in real trouble. Having time to make a costume went out the window a few years ago. But, luckily, a friend just happened to have one that she had borrowed from someone else. Whew!! I did take the time to doctor it up a bit. I went for the most bang for your buck. It only had about 6 teeth when we received it so I took a trip to the craft store and bought some stiff felt. I think it was an improvement for the better!
With Miles, you couldn’t say the word Halloween without his immediate response of “bunkey”. I had bought matching monkey costumes for the boys last year but Miles didn’t wear his so out it came this year. He wound up wearing the pants from Mason’s suit because the feet of his came up to his knees.
We did take the boys out for just a little trick or treating that night but happily spent most of the time on our porch handing out candy to the few children that came by. We live really close to one of those crazy neighborhoods that have a “Halloween Street”. We looked at a house on that street when moving to Marin and boy am I glad we didn’t wind up there. I don’t know if anyone would have told us before moving in what our obligation would have been! A large majority of the houses on that street do crazy displays on their front lawns and porches. It was a fun place to go for sure. (There’s a neighborhood like that in Elmwood near Berkeley that we went to when living in Oakland. That neighborhood takes the cake by a long shot but they did a pretty decent job near us.)
Mason and Miles were a pretty cute pair and thankfully Matt took some great pictures. Thanks honey! One of the things we handed out instead of candy were eyeball masks. We thought we would model them for the boys and get in the Halloween spirit. Matt asked me not to post the scary ones of he and I but I’m tempted, really tempted. Maybe if they’re small it won’t be so bad……sorry Matt, I couldn’t resist! Halloween is supposed to be scary. Right??!!
So, from the Reoch’s…..we hope you had a Happy Halloween!