Happy Father’s Day

It’s been almost 9 years since we met, almost 7 years since we were married and 5 years that we’ve been parents. Whew!

I feel like it’s been this constant growing, changing, give and take, push me – pull you kind of thing. A dance that has been challenging at times, fun at others and always interesting, engaging and leaving me wanting more.

Yesterday was the day to celebrate you. Your loving nature, your ability to make us all laugh, your dedication. You put our family first. You think of us before accepting invitations, before making decisions, before yourself. We see that. I see that. I can’t tell you how much I love and honor you as a father and husband.

I love you with my heart and soul. I thank God for bringing you into my life. I feel like this dance we’ve been learning isn’t so awkward. That we’re figuring certain steps out and enjoying the flow. You share the responsibility of our children, of our home, of everything that makes this family whole.

Happy Father’s Day to you my love! I love you!!

photo by Jason Pachura

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