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Go Rockets!

Miles has a passion. He’s 4 almost 5. I didn’t know it was possible to have a passion so young but it’s true. Miles. Loves. Soccer!

From before he could walk he’s been trying to kick a ball. We used to walk around the house, his little hands holding our fingers and he would use his feet with what little coordination he had to kick the ball. Any ball. They’ve been one of, if not the toy of choice, his whole life.

This year was the first year he played on an actual team. He was beyond excited to get a uniform and to be a part of a designated group of “soccer players”. His practice was at 8:30 AM on Saturday mornings. Yes, 8:30 AM on SATURDAYS!! The games were right after at 9 and even though I really didn’t like having to get up and out so early, it was a great way to start the day.

At the last game I brought my camera and took some stills and video. This is the U6 league so the teams were composed of boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 5, preschool and kindergarten. I don’t know how the teams are divided or grouped but Miles wound up on a super small team of only 6 boys. I think most other teams had at least 8-10 kids if not more. The benefit of that was they all pretty much had to play their entire game with a quick rotation out here and there. That makes for tired boys, which anyone who has boys knows is a good thing!

I thought I would post a few of the images and a link to the video. I don’t expect most people will want to watch. Four and a half minutes of seeing other peoples children run around on a soccer field probably isn’t the most entertaining. I do know a few people who will tune in though. Nana, Papa and the rest of the family will probably take a look. I did put the movie to a great song called “Surfing On A Rocket” by Air. So maybe that will entice you…

Hope everyone is having a great week. We’re half way to the weekend!


And here is a link to the video if you feel like watching…..Go Rockets U6 2011


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The Jennings-Hoffmans

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