Sunday was Father’s Day and what better place to have gone than Limantour Beach. It just calls our family to come visit. The beautiful singing sand, endless ocean and rolling dunes. The boys love to roll down the dunes, play in the water and run along the sand. It’s our happy place for sure.
We packed a picnic lunch, sandcastle building buckets leftover from when the boys were really little, a soccer ball, the wetsuits and boogie board. It was a perfect afternoon and a wonderful way to celebrate Matt. He’s an incredible father to our boys. His energy and good nature bring smiles to their faces and he engages with them in play bringing joy and laughter.
I told the boys this Father’s Day that I never wanted to have children until I met their dad and that’s the truth. I just knew that he was the man to walk this journey with. That all of the difficulty I imagined that came along with having a family would be out measured by the joys and wonder he would bring as my partner. I knew that with him by my side we would have a ‘better-than-good’ chance at happiness. All these years later and with 9 and 12 year old boys, I was right. He’s amazing and I’m ever so lucky.
Happy Father’s Day to my wonderful husband. You bring the deepest joy to me and to our boys. We love you so!