Christine And A 20 Year Circle

When I was in college and had to pick a major. I knew I wanted to study something in the art world but wasn’t sure where to focus. Through a number of courses I found myself in the graphic design department and found a way to balance my love of art and need for precision. It felt like the perfect fit.
I think if I were to really be true to what I wanted I would studied fine art and received an MFA but that felt too abstract for me at the time. I knew I wanted to leave college and be able to make money. Graphic design seemed like it would allow me to do just that. (I’m going to date myself here but my study of graphic design was all by hand. Computers hadn’t found their way into our department until the year that I was leaving school.) For my design degree, it turned out I needed to take one photography class, so my father gave me his old Nikon Camera and off I went.
Once I picked up that camera and started learning about photography, I was hooked. I found myself shooting all the time and in the darkroom on the weekends. Christine was with me through this journey. We had a few photography classes together and were often each others subjects on film. We both loved the art form and talked about how someday we would have a photography studio together. That we would ride our motorcycles to the studio and take pictures of people for a living. Well, I never did learn to ride a motorcycle. Owning and riding a scooter was about as far as I went. Christine went down that road, leathers and all.
When she recently asked me if I would take her picture for her website, (she’s a practicing intuitive counselor in the East Bay) I was nervous and excited and all things in between. I mean, this was going to bring my process full circle.
I went to her home to start the session and it proved to be the best location. The green foliage, her outdoor space, the light. Perfect. Her response to seeing the images was the best. “Is that really me??!!” I just love that! Made me smile, feel content and brought all of the pieces of a puzzle that’s been a long time in the making come together.
YES! Christine, it’s really you. As beautiful and powerful as you’ve always been.