Catching up!

It’s amazing to me how quickly time flies. Days turn into weeks so fast it seems. The recent events with my mom have only sped things up, but now, she’s here and maybe time will appear differently. Maybe it will slow down just for a bit.
I have been working this whole time. Through traveling back and forth to Arizona, through visits to the hospital and drop offs and pick ups from school. Not as much as I had been, but working none the less. I’ll catch myself up to date so that I can feel like I’m starting the new year off, or at least half way through the first month fresh.
A few weeks ago our friends came over for dinner and while here Maya gave Amelia her very first hair cut. Amelia has been the most patient little girl waiting for her hair to grow. I’ve heard that sometimes the blondish red hair takes a while and for whatever reason hers is growing slowly. But, she was ready and willing for her very first haircut and I was so glad to be there to document the event. Her big sparkly eyes and sweet spirit shine through the photographs. Amelia oh how I do love you!
On another note, our close friends Christine and Brian just had a baby last week and although I haven’t had the chance to take the newborn pictures that I’m dying to take, I did have the opportunity to photograph her belly a couple of days before the birth! It was an impromptu shoot at their home but I love the casualness of the images which is so them.
I also designed some albums for both old and new clients as well as a book for our family. William McKee and Kelly West are two of my newest clients. They were both incredibly easy to work with and I look forward to building more books for them in the future. For Matt’s parents, I made an apple book this holiday. I had never produced a book like this before and was pleasantly surprised by how nice it was. The print quality was great, the binding was solid and the pages were a nice thickness. We made a book from our summer vacation this past July. It turned out so amazing and was fun to put together. I’m going to add this book to my line as a less expensive option. I do have a few snapshots of this that I took to send to his grandparents.
I do have to mention something that spending time with Matt’s father over the holiday opened up for me. The effects of ALS were more prevalent than our last visit but what struck me more than his physical being was how gracious, kind and steadfast he is. Being with him was inspiring, for I realized something about myself. Something that I would like to change. I realized that when I have even the slightest cold I do all I can to make sure everyone knows how sick I am. I announce my tiredness, I announce my congestion and I announce how awful I feel at every turn. Part of this I think is just being a verbal person. I’ve always told the people around me what I’m feeling. I’m cold, I’m hot, I’m hungry, I’m exhausted! Someone once answered one of my “how I’m doing announcements” with a question. “What do you want me to do about that?!” It kind of took me off guard because, really, I didn’t want them to do anything. I was just telling them what I was feeling. I guess a lot of people just don’t do that and after being around Matt’s dad, I understand more than I ever have. He handles himself with grace. He never complains, at least not that I’ve heard. He has a smile on his face and the best attitude I’ve ever experienced. He’s inspired me to keep my feelings to myself a bit more. To be a little more reserved with what I express to those around me and to think about what it is I’m wanting from “announcing” something. I’ll take that with me and hopefully 2009 will be filled with a bit more joy and a little or a lot less complaining!
Now, for the photo’s. I hope you enjoy!