Books I’m Reading & Have To Share

The Wealthy Spirit by Chellie Campbell is wonderful. 365 stories and affirmations for you to read each day for a year. What a great concept! I love having a positive thought for each day. My best friend Maya and I are reading it together and send each other a text every day, well, not every day. But most!! It’s great to have someone else to keep me accountable for reading my daily dose. I highly recommend this for anyone who’s looking to shift their relationship to money.
I Was A Really Good Mom Before I Had Kids is a book that another mom loaned me. She said she picked it up in a bookstore and was howling out loud from the back cover. It says, “You need this book if….
• You consider going to the dentist your special “alone time”
• You’re competitive about winning Chutes and Ladders
• You reflexively refer to the bathroom as “the potty”
• You once introduced yourself at an important business meeting as “Andrea’s mom”
• You’d trade your husband for a housekeeper
Can anyone relate?? Ha! I started reading this book last night and I wish I could give a copy to every mother I know for this upcoming Mother’s Day. Which is on the 11th of next month for anyone who might need to know. I was reading in bed before drifting off to sleep and literally laughing out loud to myself. Every mom could use a good dose of laughter before bed so pick up a copy if you can!
As a pre-curser to Mother’s Day I have to take a moment to acknowledge all of the women that are raising little people in this world and the friends, lovers and husbands that love us through it. My husband has found me sobbing on the floor, laughing in hysterics and passed out from shear exhaustion all from a day spent with my children. I truly must say, “God bless him”.
This book is the 2nd in a series of 3. The third one isn’t coming out for some time. I read the first and couldn’t wait to get my hands on the next one. I’m not worried about taking my time reading this one because I know I’ll have to wait for the last in the trilogy.
It’s a crazy trip about how we exist in one of many realms that certain people called “Travelers” can move between. John Twelve Hawks is the author and no one knows who he really is. He communicates with his editor using the internet and an untraceable satellite phone with a voice scrambler. Check out this site and you’ll get a taste for what the book is about. Enjoy!
(For those of you who may wonder how I have time to read…I have no clue! Honestly. When I think about the fact that I’m reading books I have no idea when that happens. A stolen moment here, 5 minutes right before shutting my eyes to sleep, anywhere I can to find some way to expand my mind past changing diapers, fixing lunch and working out marketing strategies to grow my business. I have high hopes at times. Yesterday I brought two of the books with me to my son’s doctor check up. What was I thinking? I knew there would be time spent in the office waiting for the doctor. That you can count on right? But what I failed to remember was the constant attention the boys would need. Read this book, play with that toy, I have to go potty, pick me up. Oh well, maybe one of these days when I bring the book with me I’ll have a chance to read it!