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A San Francisco Summer Night – Family Session

I love where I live and in fact, exactly where I live the weather is beautiful and warm, most days and nights. Even though I’m only 30 minutes or so from San Francisco where summer is notoriously known for being cold and foggy. I’m sure you’ve heard the famous saying by Mark Twain…”The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco”. Well, he had a point and we found out first hand the other night. I had a family session out at
 Point, a beautiful hotel/restaurant deep in Sausalito with a view on a clear day of the Golden Gate Bridge and SF.

As I was driving to the location, dressed in my summer evening clothes the feeling of dread started to envelop me. This was because as I approached Sausalito I could see the fog rolling in. A thick, gray blanket pouring down over the hills toward my destination. I knew if once I popped out of the tunnel I had a view of the bridge I might be o.k. but I called the family anyway, just in case. They have a new baby and I didn’t want to freeze the poor thing to death for the sake of some photographs!

I came through the tunnel and thankfully did see the bridge, part of it, but the family was game and so even though the wind was blowing and the air was a crisp 57˙ we decided to go for it. And I’m so glad we did.



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Father’s Day @ Limantour Beach

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