A New Outlook On Life

A couple of years ago I posted a not so fun story. The story of Zejah. If you choose to go to the post and read the story, know that it is filled with sadness but the reality of life and death. It’s a story of a mother who lost her baby the day before her due date and how she asked me to photograph their last moments spent with their daughter Zejah. It was such a moving experience for me in so many ways.
The story didn’t end there, at the end of that blog post. Things seemed to be turning around for the family for a while. Lyndsie became pregnant again, not long after Zejah had been stillborn. This time she had a little boy who turned out healthy and full of giggles. Unfortunately, the death of their second child was something that Lyndsie and her husband couldn’t seem to work through. It tore such a large hole in their lives that their relationship fell apart despite the birth of their new baby. All of the mothers in the community rallied around to give as much support to Lyndsie as possible because not long after giving birth to her third child, she found herself a single mother of two.
Life has a way of working out for those who have faith and for people who look to the bright side of life. I know that Lyndsie was suffering from loss for a long time but she really pulled herself out of what could have been a severely depressing time. She knew she had to be there for her children and she rallied. She is a positive person at heart who is young and vibrant and loves her children more than anything.
Last year she asked me to photograph her and her two children and it was a truly special session because I was able to complete a circle for myself. Having photographed such sadness and heartache with the loss of Zejah and then to be able to capture such joy and love with her new baby and older daughter.
Well, this year she asked me to photograph them again and I of course was thrilled. Her little boy is so cute and her daughter is just a beautiful little girl. We went to a great spot that’s practically her backyard and spent some time together in the cool, crisp fall air.
Lyndsie, you are a brave woman. You have been through so much. So much that is heavy and difficult but you have pulled yourself through and are such a loving support for your family. I feel honored to know you and to be able to capture the love you feel for your children through photography. I look forward to watching you and your children grow over the years. You are an inspiration!