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Novato Family Session – The Beginning Of Fall

Fall has arrived and it always amazes me how it seems like one day it’s summer and then the next it’s fall. The transition, although subtle, always feels a bit abrupt to me. I do love the cooler weather when I get to pull on my boots and cozy sweaters but I’m a summer girl when you get right dow to it. But, for photography, fall is my favorite time of year. The light is so crisp and has this softness to it that I just love. And fall is my busiest time of year for photographing families. People start coming out of the woodwork wanting a family session.

When the light started to shift this past month, I found a message via Facebook from a family that I had photographed  a few years ago. They only had one little boy at the time and they were just the sweetest family ever. It was interesting because I’ve thought about them over the years, wondering if maybe they would want to have new family photos taken. I sent an email a few months back but it bounced so I let it go. Then, only a week or so later, after my email bounced back, I received a Facebook message from them, asking to schedule family photos. I just love when the collective conscious is at work and things flow together. I of course was overjoyed to photograph them again and to learn that they had an addition to the family.

You tell me…aren’t these boys and this family just adorable?! And there sweet dog!! Oh my goodness such a beautiful animal.





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