10 Years & Deeply In Love

I woke up this morning while I was dreaming. Dreaming of needing pee actually. Do you ever do that? Well, I did this morning, and when I came back to bed, there was a heart-shaped box sitting on my pillow. I think I can safely say it made my morning and my whole day. I could feel the huge smile spread across my face. I looked at him shyly looking at me from his pillow and I opened the box to find what I have been missing for what feels like forever. My wedding ring. My engagement ring is fused to the wedding ring and a while back the engagement band snapped. I promptly took it off and set it aside to be repaired. That was over a year ago and maybe two if I really think about it. It turned out not only did the band need to be repaired but the bezel holding the diamond in place was broken as well. And get this, the diamond is chipped. Who on earth chips a diamond??!! Me, the girl who has said for years that I’m hard on my jewelry and I guess I wasn’t kidding. Back to the ring repair, things just kept coming up. We seemed to need to spend the  money for the car or for camp for the kids or groceries. Everything seemed more important than fixing my ring. Until now.

Well, we decided that for our 10th anniversary, it was important to fix my ring, and I’m so glad we did. This morning it was almost as if he was placing it on my finger all over again, even though the reality was I had to practically shove it on my finger because I was a bit swollen from the night. 😉

Today I’ve been married 10 years. Today I am more in love with my husband than I was all those years ago. Today I have a home, two beautiful children and 10 years of memories (12 if you count the two years leading up to the wedding) to look back on and enjoy.

Matthew, when I pray, I thank God for all that He has given me and especially for this gift of a partner who is truly the perfect fit. I give thanks for your love, your friendship and your support. I wouldn’t be who I am today without you. I love you deeply and I’m SO excited to go out to dinner with you tonight! Happy Anniversary my love. Here’s to remembering that beautiful and HOT day (106˚) in Brentwood CA, in the Secret Garden shared with our friends and family.

I love you!

Click on the image below to see the short film….


(I couldn’t figure out how to embed it into the post because it was too large for WP. And I tried adding a plugin to help but couldn’t figure that out either. So, this will have to do. Not exactly how I wanted it to work but I’ll take what I can get today.)



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Deep Like The Water

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